/* * tty.c -- terminal handling routines for powwow * * Copyright (C) 1998 by Massimiliano Ghilardi * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "defines.h" #include "main.h" #include "edit.h" #include "utils.h" #include "list.h" #include "tty.h" #include "tcp.h" #ifndef USE_SGTTY # ifdef APOLLO # include "/sys5.3/usr/include/sys/termio.h" # else /* * including both termio.h and termios.h might be an overkill, and gives * many warnings, but seems to be necessary at times. works anyway. */ # include # include # endif /* #else USE_SGTTY */ #endif /* * SunOS 4 doesn't have function headers and has the defs needed from * ioctl.h in termios.h. Does it compile with USE_SGTTY? */ #if (defined(sun) && defined(sparc) && ! defined(__SVR4)) extern int printf(); #else # include #endif #ifdef BSD_LIKE # include # define O_RAW RAW # define O_ECHO ECHO # define O_CBREAK CBREAK #endif #if defined(TCSETS) || defined(TCSETATTR) # ifndef TCSETS /* cc for HP-UX SHOULD define this... */ # define TCSETS TCSETATTR # define TCGETS TCGETATTR # endif typedef struct termios termiostruct; #else # define TCSETS TCSETA # define TCGETS TCGETA typedef struct termio termiostruct; #endif #ifdef VSUSP # define O_SUSP VSUSP #else # ifdef SWTCH # define O_SUSP SWTCH # else # define O_SUSP SUSP # endif #endif /* int ioctl(); */ #ifdef USE_VT100 /* hard-coded vt100 features if no termcap: */ static char kpadstart[] = "", kpadend[] = "", begoln[] = "\r", clreoln[] = "\033[K", clreoscr[] = "\033[J", leftcur[] = "\033[D", rightcur[] = "\033[C", upcur[] = "\033[A", modebold[] = "\033[1m", modeblink[] = "\033[5m", modeinv[] = "\033[7m", modeuline[] = "\033[4m", modestandon[] = "", modestandoff[] = "", modenorm[] = "\033[m", modenormbackup[4], cursor_left[] = "\033[D", cursor_right[] = "\033[C", cursor_up[] = "\033[A", cursor_down[] = "\033[B"; #define insertfinish (0) static int len_begoln = 1, len_leftcur = 3, len_upcur = 3, gotocost = 8; #else /* not USE_VT100, termcap function declarations */ int tgetent(); int tgetnum(); int tgetflag(); char *tgetstr(); char *tgoto(); /* terminal escape sequences */ static char kpadstart[CAPLEN], kpadend[CAPLEN], leftcur[CAPLEN], rightcur[CAPLEN], upcur[CAPLEN], curgoto[CAPLEN], delchar[CAPLEN], insstart[CAPLEN], insstop[CAPLEN], inschar[CAPLEN], begoln[CAPLEN], clreoln[CAPLEN], clreoscr[CAPLEN], cursor_left[CAPLEN], cursor_right[CAPLEN], cursor_up[CAPLEN], cursor_down[CAPLEN]; /* attribute changers: */ static char modebold[CAPLEN], modeblink[CAPLEN], modeinv[CAPLEN], modeuline[CAPLEN], modestandon[CAPLEN], modestandoff[CAPLEN], modenorm[CAPLEN], modenormbackup[CAPLEN]; static int len_begoln, len_clreoln, len_leftcur, len_upcur, gotocost, deletecost, insertcost, insertfinish, inscharcost; static int extract __P ((char *cap, char *buf)); #endif /* USE_VT100 */ char *tty_modebold = modebold, *tty_modeblink = modeblink, *tty_modeinv = modeinv, *tty_modeuline = modeuline, *tty_modestandon = modestandon, *tty_modestandoff = modestandoff, *tty_modenorm = modenorm, *tty_modenormbackup = modenormbackup, *tty_begoln = begoln, *tty_clreoln = clreoln, *tty_clreoscr = clreoscr; int tty_read_fd = 0; static int wrapglitch = 0; #ifdef USE_SGTTY static struct sgttyb ttybsave; static struct tchars tcsave; static struct ltchars ltcsave; #else /* not USE_SGTTY */ static termiostruct ttybsave; #endif /* USE_SGTTY */ /* * Terminal handling routines: * These are one big mess of left-justified chicken scratches. * It should be handled more cleanly...but unix portability is what it is. */ /* * Set the terminal to character-at-a-time-without-echo mode, and save the * original state in ttybsave */ void tty_start __P0 (void) { #ifdef USE_SGTTY struct sgttyb ttyb; struct ltchars ltc; ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCGETP, &ttybsave); ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCGETC, &tcsave); ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCGLTC, <csave); ttyb = ttybsave; ttyb.sg_flags = (ttyb.sg_flags|O_CBREAK) & ~O_ECHO; ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCSETP, &ttyb); ltc = ltcsave; ltc.t_suspc = -1; ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCSLTC, <c); #else /* not USE_SGTTY */ termiostruct ttyb; ioctl(tty_read_fd, TCGETS, &ttyb); ttybsave = ttyb; ttyb.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ICANON); ttyb.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; ttyb.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* disable the special handling of the suspend key (handle it ourselves) */ ttyb.c_cc[O_SUSP] = 0; ioctl(tty_read_fd, TCSETS, &ttyb); #endif /* USE_SGTTY */ tty_puts(kpadstart); tty_flush(); #ifdef DEBUG_TTY setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ); #else setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ); #endif } /* * Reset the terminal to its original state */ void tty_quit __P0 (void) { #ifdef USE_SGTTY ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCSETP, &ttybsave); ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCSETC, &tcsave); ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCSLTC, <csave); #else /* not USE_SGTTY */ ioctl(tty_read_fd, TCSETS, &ttybsave); #endif /* USE_SGTTY */ tty_puts(kpadend); tty_flush(); } /* * enable/disable special keys depending on the current linemode */ void tty_special_keys __P0 (void) { #ifdef USE_SGTTY struct tchars tc = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; struct ltchars ltc = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1}; struct sgttyb ttyb; ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCGETP, &ttyb); if (linemode & LM_CHAR) { /* char-by-char mode: set RAW mode*/ ttyb.sg_flags |= RAW; } else { /* line-at-a-time mode: enable spec keys, disable RAW */ tc = tcsave; ltc = ltcsave; ltc.t_suspc = -1; /* suspend key remains disabled */ ttyb.sg_flags &= ~RAW; } ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCSETP, &ttyb); ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCSETC, &tc); ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCSLTC, <c); #else /* not USE_SGTTY */ int i; termiostruct ttyb; ioctl(tty_read_fd, TCGETS, &ttyb); if (linemode & LM_CHAR) { /* char-by-char mode: disable all special keys and set raw mode */ for(i = 0; i < NCCS; i++) ttyb.c_cc[i] = 0; ttyb.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; } else { /* line at a time mode: enable them, except suspend */ for(i = 0; i < NCCS; i++) ttyb.c_cc[i] = ttybsave.c_cc[i]; /* disable the suspend key (handle it ourselves) */ ttyb.c_cc[O_SUSP] = 0; /* set cooked mode */ ttyb.c_oflag |= OPOST; } ioctl(tty_read_fd, TCSETS, &ttyb); #endif /* USE_SGTTY */ } /* * get window size and react to any window size change */ void tty_sig_winch_bottomhalf __P0 (void) { struct winsize wsiz; /* if ioctl fails or gives silly values, don't change anything */ if (ioctl(tty_read_fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &wsiz) == 0 && wsiz.ws_row > 0 && wsiz.ws_col > 0 && (lines != wsiz.ws_row || cols != wsiz.ws_col)) { lines = wsiz.ws_row; cols_1 = cols = wsiz.ws_col; if (!wrapglitch) cols_1--; if (tcp_main_fd != -1) tcp_write_tty_size(); line0 += lines - olines; tty_gotoxy(0, line0); /* so we know where the cursor is */ #ifdef BUG_ANSI if (edattrbg) tty_printf("%s%s", edattrend, tty_clreoscr); else #endif tty_puts(tty_clreoscr); olines = lines; status(1); } } /* * read termcap definitions */ void tty_bootstrap __P0 (void) { #ifndef USE_VT100 struct tc_init_node { char cap[4], *buf; int *len, critic; }; static struct tc_init_node tc_init[] = { { "cm", curgoto, 0, 1 }, { "ce", clreoln, &len_clreoln, 1 }, { "cd", clreoscr, 0, 1 }, { "nd", rightcur, 0, 1 }, { "le", leftcur, &len_leftcur, 0 }, { "up", upcur, &len_upcur, 0 }, { "cr", begoln, &len_begoln, 0 }, { "ic", inschar, &inscharcost, 0 }, { "im", insstart, &insertcost, 0 }, { "ei", insstop, &insertcost, 0 }, { "dm", delchar, &deletecost, 0 }, { "dc", delchar, &deletecost, 0 }, { "ed", delchar, &deletecost, 0 }, { "me", modenorm, 0, 0 }, { "md", modebold, 0, 0 }, { "mb", modeblink, 0, 0 }, { "mr", modeinv, 0, 0 }, { "us", modeuline, 0, 0 }, { "so", modestandon, 0, 0 }, { "se", modestandoff, 0, 0 }, { "ks", kpadstart, 0, 0 }, { "ke", kpadend, 0, 0 }, { "kl", cursor_left, 0, 0 }, { "kr", cursor_right, 0, 0 }, { "ku", cursor_up, 0, 0 }, { "kd", cursor_down, 0, 0 }, { "", NULL, 0, 0 } }; struct tc_init_node *np; char tcbuf[2048]; /* by convention, this is enough */ int i; #endif /* not USE_VT100 */ #if !defined(USE_VT100) || defined(BUG_TELNET) char *term = getenv("TERM"); if (!term) { fprintf(stderr, "$TERM not set\n"); exit(1); } #endif /* !defined(USE_VT100) || defined(BUG_TELNET) */ #ifdef USE_VT100 cols = 80; # ifdef LINES lines = LINES; # else /* not LINES */ lines = 24; # endif /* LINES */ #else /* not USE_VT100 */ switch(tgetent(tcbuf, term)) { case 1: break; case 0: fprintf(stderr, "There is no entry for \"%s\" in the terminal data base.\n", term); fprintf(stderr, "Please set your $TERM environment variable correctly.\n"); exit(1); default: syserr("tgetent"); } for(np = tc_init; np->cap[0]; np++) if ((i = extract(np->cap, np->buf))) { if (np->len) *np->len += i; } else if (np->critic) { fprintf(stderr, "Your \"%s\" terminal is not powerful enough, missing \"%s\".\n", term, np->cap); exit(1); } if (!len_begoln) strcpy(begoln, "\r"), len_begoln = 1; if (!len_leftcur) strcpy(leftcur, "\b"), len_leftcur = 1; gotocost = strlen(tgoto(curgoto, cols - 1, lines - 1)); insertfinish = gotocost + len_clreoln; /* this must be before getting window size */ wrapglitch = tgetflag("xn"); tty_sig_winch_bottomhalf(); /* get window size */ #endif /* not USE_VT100 */ strcpy(modenormbackup, modenorm); #ifdef BUG_TELNET if (strncmp(term, "vt10", 4) == 0) { /* might be NCSA Telnet 2.2 for PC, which doesn't reset colours */ sprintf(modenorm, "\033[;%c%d;%s%dm", DEFAULTFGlabel, p->seq, 0, p->funct, NULL); } while((++p)->seq[0]); if (cursor_left ) add_keynode("Left" , cursor_left , 0, prev_char, NULL); if (cursor_right) add_keynode("Right", cursor_right, 0, next_char, NULL); if (cursor_up ) add_keynode("Up" , cursor_up , 0, prev_line, NULL); if (cursor_down ) add_keynode("Down" , cursor_down , 0, next_line, NULL); } #ifndef USE_VT100 /* * extract termcap 'cap' and strcat it to buf. * return the lenght of the extracted string. */ static int extract __P2 (char *,cap, char *,buf) { static char *bp; char *d = buf + strlen(buf); char *s = tgetstr(cap, (bp = d, &bp)); int len; if (!s) return (*bp = 0); /* * Remove the padding information. We assume that no terminals * need padding nowadays. At least it makes things much easier. */ s += strspn(s, "0123456789*"); for(len = 0; *s; *d++ = *s++, len++) if (*s == '$' && *(s + 1) == '<') if (!(s = strchr(s, '>')) || !*++s) break; *d = 0; return len; } #endif /* not USE_VT100 */ /* * position the cursor using absolute coordinates * note: does not flush the output buffer */ void tty_gotoxy __P2 (int,col, int,line) { #ifdef USE_VT100 tty_printf("\033[%d;%dH", line + 1, col + 1); #else tty_puts(tgoto(curgoto, col, line)); #endif } /* * optimized cursor movement * from (fromcol, fromline) to (tocol, toline) * if tocol > 0, (tocol, toline) must lie on editline. */ void tty_gotoxy_opt __P4 (int,fromcol, int,fromline, int,tocol, int,toline) { static char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *cp = buf; int cost, i, dist; CLIP(fromline, 0, lines-1); CLIP(toline , 0, lines-1); /* First, move vertically to the correct line, then horizontally * to the right column. If this turns out to be fewer characters * than a direct cursor positioning (tty_gotoxy), use that. */ for (;;) { /* gotoless */ if ((i = toline - fromline) < 0) { if (!len_upcur || (cost = -i * len_upcur) >= gotocost) break; do { strcpy(cp, upcur); cp += len_upcur; } while(++i); } else if ((cost = 2 * i)) { /* lf is mapped to crlf on output */ if (cost >= gotocost) break; do *cp++ = '\n'; while (--i); fromcol = 0; } if ((i = tocol - fromcol) < 0) { dist = -i * len_leftcur; if (dist <= len_begoln + tocol) { if ((cost += dist) > gotocost) break; do { strcpy(cp, leftcur); cp += len_leftcur; } while(++i); } else { if ((cost += len_begoln) > gotocost) break; strcpy(cp, begoln); cp += len_begoln; fromcol = 0; i = tocol; } } if (i) { /* * if hiliting in effect or prompt contains escape sequences, * just use tty_gotoxy */ if (cost + i > gotocost || *edattrbeg || promptlen != col0) break; if (fromcol < col0 && toline == line0) { strcpy(cp, promptstr+fromcol); cp += promptlen-fromcol; fromcol = col0; } my_strncpy(cp, edbuf + (toline - line0) * cols_1 + fromcol - col0, tocol - fromcol); cp += tocol - fromcol; } *cp = 0; tty_puts(buf); return; } tty_gotoxy(tocol, toline); } /* * GH: change the position on input line (gotoxy there, and set pos) * from cancan 2.6.3a */ void input_moveto __P1 (int,new_pos) { /* * FEATURE: the line we are moving to might be less than 0, or greater * than lines - 1, if the display is too small to hold the whole editline. * In that case, the input line should be (partially) redrawn. */ if (new_pos < 0) new_pos = 0; else if (new_pos > edlen) new_pos = edlen; if (new_pos == pos) return; if (line_status == 0) { int fromline = CURLINE(pos), toline = CURLINE(new_pos); if (toline < 0) line0 -= toline, toline = 0; else if (toline > lines - 1) line0 -= toline - lines + 1, toline = lines - 1; tty_gotoxy_opt(CURCOL(pos), fromline, CURCOL(new_pos), toline); } pos = new_pos; } /* * delete n characters at current position (the position is unchanged) * assert(n < edlen - pos) */ void input_delete_nofollow_chars __P1 (int,n) { int r_cost, p = pos, d_cost; int nl = pos - CURCOL(pos); /* this line's starting pos (can be <= 0) */ int cl = CURLINE(pos); /* current line */ if (n > edlen - p) n = edlen - p; if (n <= 0) return; d_cost = p + n; if (line_status != 0) { memmove(edbuf + p, edbuf + d_cost, edlen - d_cost + 1); edlen -= n; return; } memmove(edbuf + p, edbuf + d_cost, edlen - d_cost); memset(edbuf + edlen - n, (int)' ', n); for (;; tty_putc('\n'), p = nl, cl++) { d_cost = 0; /* FEATURE: ought to be "d_cost = n > gotocost ? -gotocost : -n;" * since redraw will need to goto back. Of little importance */ if ((r_cost = edlen) > (nl += cols_1)) r_cost = nl, d_cost = n + gotocost; r_cost -= p; #ifndef USE_VT100 /* * FEATURE: no clreoln is used (it might cost less in the occasion * we delete more than one char). Simplicity */ if (deletecost && deletecost * n + d_cost < r_cost) { #ifdef BUG_ANSI if (edattrbg) tty_puts(edattrend); #endif for (d_cost = n; d_cost; d_cost--) tty_puts(delchar); #ifdef BUG_ANSI if (edattrbg) tty_puts(edattrbeg); #endif if (edlen <= nl) break; tty_gotoxy(cols_1 - n, cl); tty_printf("%.*s", n, edbuf + nl - n); } else #endif /* not USE_VT100 */ { #ifdef BUG_ANSI if (edattrbg && p <= edlen - n && p + r_cost >= edlen - n) tty_printf("%.*s%s%.*s", edlen - p - n, edbuf + p, edattrend, r_cost - edlen + p + n, edbuf + edlen - n); else #endif tty_printf("%.*s", r_cost, edbuf + p); p += r_cost; if (edlen <= nl) { #ifdef BUG_ANSI if (edattrbg) tty_puts(edattrbeg); #endif break; } } } edbuf[edlen -= n] = '\0'; switch(pos - p) { case 1: tty_puts(leftcur); break; case 0: break; default: tty_gotoxy_opt(CURCOL(p), cl, CURCOL(pos), CURLINE(pos)); break; } } /* * GH: print a char on current position (overwrite), advance position * from cancan 2.6.3a */ void input_overtype_follow __P1 (char,c) { if (pos >= edlen) return; edbuf[pos++] = c; if (line_status == 0) { tty_putc(c); if (!CURCOL(pos)) { #ifdef BUG_ANSI if (edattrbg) tty_printf("%s\n%s", edattrend, edattrbeg); else #endif tty_putc('\n'); } } } /* * insert n characters at input line current position. * The position is set to after the inserted characters. */ void input_insert_follow_chars __P2 (char *,str, int,n) { int r_cost, i_cost, p = pos; int nl = p - CURCOL(p); /* next line's starting pos */ int cl = CURLINE(p); /* current line */ if (edlen + n >= BUFSIZE) n = BUFSIZE - edlen - 1; if (n <= 0) return; memmove(edbuf + p + n, edbuf + p, edlen + 1 - p); memmove(edbuf + p, str, n); edlen += n; pos += n; if (line_status != 0) return; do { i_cost = n; if ((r_cost = edlen) > (nl += cols_1)) r_cost = nl, i_cost += insertfinish; r_cost -= p; #ifndef USE_VT100 /* FEATURE: insert mode is used only when one char is inserted (which is probably true > 95% of the time). Simplicity */ if (n == 1 && inscharcost && inscharcost + i_cost < r_cost) { tty_printf("%s%c", inschar, edbuf[p++]); if (edlen > nl && !wrapglitch) { tty_gotoxy(cols_1, cl); tty_puts(clreoln); } } else #endif /* not USE_VT100 */ { tty_printf("%.*s", r_cost, edbuf + p); p += r_cost; } if (edlen < nl) break; #ifdef BUG_ANSI if (edattrbg) tty_printf("%s\n%s", edattrend, edattrbeg); else #endif tty_puts("\n"); p = nl; if (++cl > lines - 1) { cl = lines - 1; line0--; } } while (edlen > nl); if (p != pos) tty_gotoxy_opt(CURCOL(p), cl, CURCOL(pos), CURLINE(pos)); }