To set up the project: Go to properties -> add external jar -> path to android/platforms/4/android.jar To create the jar: Right-click the in eclipse -> export -> jar This will exclude the stub files needed to compile, creating a normal java jar, then you need to make it a dex jar: dx --dex --outfile output.jar RootContext.jar Include the output.jar file for the app_process jar This jar needs to be dx'ed so it will run from android, normally if you include a jar in your project and build an apk it will be dx'ed when it is put in the apk. Since we use this as an asset and spool it out to run natively we must dx it ourself. The dx tool can also create a jar from a single .class file, so if you compiled using a command line tool you can just create the jar from the .class: dx --dex --output=RemoteContext.jar net/hoopajoo/android/RemoteContext.class