path: root/log.c
diff options
authorSteve Slaven <bpk@hoopajoo.net>2005-03-12 00:27:55 (GMT)
committerSteve Slaven <bpk@hoopajoo.net>2005-03-12 00:27:55 (GMT)
commit77b250bfb63a28a8fe8a8da67de7354bce6e61ff (patch)
treee28f72c18305016c19c608f5fce4432529e7673d /log.c
parent5dfb1906b299bf7c8a1ee3ba5cd1c9ea40648d89 (diff)
Initial revisionv1.2.7
Diffstat (limited to 'log.c')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/log.c b/log.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4cc90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/log.c
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+ * log.c -- code for #movie / #capture backbuffering
+ * and code for reprint-on-prompt
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 by Massimiliano Ghilardi
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "defines.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "log.h"
+#include "tty.h"
+#include "list.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+vtime movie_last; /* time movie_file was last written */
+FILE *capturefile = (FILE *)NULL; /* capture file or NULL */
+FILE *moviefile = (FILE *)NULL; /* movie file or NULL */
+FILE *recordfile = (FILE *)NULL; /* record file or NULL */
+static char *datalist; /* circular string list */
+static int datastart = 0; /* index to first string start */
+static int dataend = 0; /* index one past last string end */
+static int datasize = 0; /* size of circular string list */
+#define DATALEFT (datastart > dataend ? datastart - dataend - 2 : datastart ? \
+ MAX2(datastart - 1, datasize - dataend - 1) : datasize - dataend - 1)
+typedef struct logentry {
+ enum linetype kind;
+ long msecs; /* millisecs to sleep if kind == SLEEP */
+ char *line; /* pointer to string in `datalist' circular buffer */
+} logentry;
+logentry *loglist; /* circular (pointer to string) list */
+static int logstart = 0; /* index to first loglist used */
+static int logend = 0; /* index one past last loglist used */
+static int logsize = 0; /* size of circular (pointer to string) list */
+#define LOGFULL (logend == (logstart ? logstart - 1 : logsize - 1))
+static char *names[] = { NULL, "line", "prompt", "sleep" };
+ * flush a single buffer line
+ */
+static void log_flushline __P1 (int,i)
+ if (capturefile)
+ fprintf(capturefile, "%s%s",
+ loglist[i].line, loglist[i].kind == LINE ? "\n" : "");
+ if (moviefile) {
+ if (loglist[i].msecs)
+ fprintf(moviefile, "%s %ld\n",
+ names[SLEEP], loglist[i].msecs);
+ fprintf(moviefile, "%s %s\n",
+ names[loglist[i].kind], loglist[i].line);
+ }
+ * remove the oldest (first) line from the buffer
+ */
+static void log_clearline __P0 (void)
+ int next;
+ if (logstart == logend)
+ return;
+ log_flushline(logstart);
+ next = (logstart + 1) % logsize;
+ if (next == logend)
+ datastart = dataend = logstart = logend = 0;
+ else
+ datastart = loglist[next].line - datalist, logstart = next;
+ * remove an initial SLEEP from the buffer
+ */
+void log_clearsleep __P0 (void)
+ if (logstart != logend)
+ loglist[logstart].msecs = 0;
+ * flush the buffer
+ */
+void log_flush __P0 (void)
+ int i = logstart;
+ while (i != logend) {
+ log_flushline(i);
+ if (++i == logsize)
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ datastart = dataend = logstart = logend = 0;
+int log_getsize __P0 (void)
+ return datasize;
+static void log_reset __P0 (void)
+ if (datasize) {
+ if (datalist) free(datalist);
+ if (loglist) free(loglist);
+ loglist = NULL;
+ datalist = NULL;
+ logsize = datasize = 0;
+ }
+void log_resize __P1 (int,newsize)
+ if (newsize && newsize < 1000) {
+ PRINTF("#buffer size must be 0 (zero) or >= 1000\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (newsize == datasize)
+ return;
+ log_flush();
+ log_reset();
+ if (newsize) {
+ datalist = (char *)malloc(newsize);
+ if (!datalist) { log_reset(); errmsg("malloc"); return; }
+ loglist = (logentry *)malloc(newsize/16*sizeof(logentry));
+ if (!loglist) { log_reset(); errmsg("malloc"); return; }
+ datasize = newsize;
+ logsize = newsize / 16;
+ }
+ if (echo_int) {
+ PRINTF("#buffer resized to %d bytes%s\n", newsize, newsize ? "" : " (disabled)");
+ }
+ * add a single line to the buffer
+ */
+static void log_writeline __P4 (char *,line, int,len, int,kind, long,msecs)
+ int dst;
+ if (++len >= datasize) {
+ PRINTF("#line too long, discarded from movie/capture buffer\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ while (LOGFULL || DATALEFT < len)
+ log_clearline();
+ /* ok, now we know there IS enough space */
+ if (datastart >= dataend /* is == iff loglist is empty */
+ || datasize - dataend > len)
+ dst = dataend;
+ else
+ dst = 0;
+ memcpy(loglist[logend].line = datalist + dst, line, len - 1);
+ datalist[dst + len - 1] = '\0';
+ loglist[logend].kind = kind;
+ loglist[logend].msecs = msecs;
+ if ((dataend = dst + len) == datasize)
+ dataend = 0;
+ if (++logend == logsize)
+ logend = 0;
+ * write to #capture / #movie buffer
+ */
+void log_write __P3 (char *,str, int,len, int,newline)
+ char *next;
+ long diff;
+ int i, last = 0;
+ if (!datasize && !moviefile && !capturefile)
+ return;
+ update_now();
+ diff = diff_vtime(&now, &movie_last);
+ movie_last = now;
+ do {
+ if ((next = memchr(str, '\n', len)))
+ i = next - str;
+ else
+ i = len, last = 1;
+ if (datasize)
+ log_writeline(str, i, last && !newline ? PROMPT : LINE, diff);
+ else {
+ if (moviefile) {
+ if (diff)
+ fprintf(moviefile, "%s %ld\n",
+ names[SLEEP], diff);
+ fprintf(moviefile, "%s %.*s\n",
+ names[last && !newline ? PROMPT : LINE], i, str);
+ }
+ if (capturefile)
+ fprintf(capturefile, "%.*s%s",
+ i, str, last && !newline ? "" : "\n");
+ }
+ diff = 0;
+ if (next) {
+ len -= next + 1 - str;
+ str = next + 1;
+ }
+ } while (next && len > 0);
+static char reprintlist[BUFSIZE]; /* circular string list */
+static int reprintstart = 0; /* index to first string start */
+static int reprintend = 0; /* index one past last string end */
+static int reprintsize = BUFSIZE; /* size of circular string list */
+#define REPRINTLEFT (reprintstart > reprintend ? reprintstart - reprintend - 1 : reprintstart ? \
+ MAX2(reprintstart - 1, reprintsize - reprintend - 1) : reprintsize - reprintend - 1)
+static char *replist[BUFSIZE/8]; /* circular (pointer to string) list */
+static int repstart = 0; /* index to first replist used */
+static int repend = 0; /* index one past last replist used */
+static int repsize = BUFSIZE/8; /* size of circular (pointer to string) list */
+#define REPFULL (repend == (repstart ? repstart - 1 : repsize - 1))
+ * remove the oldest (first) line from reprintlist
+ */
+static void reprint_clearline __P0 (void)
+ int next;
+ if (repstart == repend)
+ return;
+ next = (repstart + 1) % repsize;
+ if (next == repend)
+ reprintstart = reprintend = repstart = repend = 0;
+ else
+ reprintstart = replist[next] - reprintlist, repstart = next;
+void reprint_clear __P0 (void)
+ reprintstart = reprintend = repstart = repend = 0;
+ * add a single line to the buffer
+ */
+void reprint_writeline __P1 (char *,line)
+ int len = strlen(line) + 1;
+ int dst;
+ if (!opt_reprint || (promptlen && prompt_status != -1))
+ /*
+ * if prompt is valid, we'll never have to reprint, as we
+ * _already_ printed the command at the right moment
+ */
+ return;
+ if (len >= reprintsize) {
+ PRINTF("#line too long, discarded from prompt reprint buffer\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ while (REPFULL || REPRINTLEFT < len)
+ reprint_clearline();
+ /* ok, now we know there IS enough space */
+ if (reprintstart >= reprintend /* is == iff replist is empty */
+ || reprintsize - reprintend > len)
+ dst = reprintend;
+ else
+ dst = 0;
+ memcpy(replist[repend] = reprintlist + dst, line, len - 1);
+ reprintlist[dst + len - 1] = '\0';
+ if ((reprintend = dst + len) == reprintsize)
+ reprintend = 0;
+ if (++repend == repsize)
+ repend = 0;
+char *reprint_getline __P0 (void)
+ char *line = NULL;
+ if (opt_reprint && repend != repstart)
+ line = replist[repstart];
+ reprint_clearline();
+ return line;