path: root/defines.h
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1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/defines.h b/defines.h
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index 0000000..493d8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/defines.h
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+ * common definition and typedefs
+ */
+#ifndef _DEFINES_H_
+#define _DEFINES_H_
+#include "malloc.h"
+#if !defined(SYS_TIME_H) && !defined(_H_SYS_TIME)
+# include <sys/time.h>
+#ifdef AIX
+# include <sys/select.h>
+#define memzero(a,b) memset((a), 0, (b))
+#ifdef USE_RANDOM
+# define get_random random
+# define init_random srandom
+# define get_random lrand48
+# define init_random srand48
+#ifdef __STDC__
+# define VOLATILE volatile
+# ifndef __P
+# define __P(args) args
+# endif
+# define __P0(dummy) (void)
+# define __P1(t1,a1) (t1 a1)
+# define __P2(t1,a1,t2,a2) (t1 a1, t2 a2)
+# define __P3(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3) (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3)
+# define __P4(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3,t4,a4) (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4)
+# define __P5(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3,t4,a4,t5,a5) (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4, t5 a5)
+# define __P6(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3,t4,a4,t5,a5,t6,a6) (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4, t5 a5, t6 a6)
+# define __P7(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3,t4,a4,t5,a5,t6,a6,t7,a7) (t1 a1, t2 a2, t3 a3, t4 a4, t5 a5, t6 a6, t7 a7)
+#else /* ! __STDC__ */
+# define VOLATILE
+# ifndef __P
+# define __P(args) ()
+# endif
+# define __P0(dummy) ()
+# define __P1(t1,a1) (a1) t1 a1;
+# define __P2(t1,a1,t2,a2) (a1, a2) t1 a1; t2 a2;
+# define __P3(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3) (a1, a2, a3) t1 a1; t2 a2; t3 a3;
+# define __P4(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3,t4,a4) (a1, a2, a3, a4) t1 a1; t2 a2; t3 a3; t4 a4;
+# define __P5(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3,t4,a4,t5,a5) (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) t1 a1; t2 a2; t3 a3; t4 a4; t5 a5;
+# define __P6(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3,t4,a4,t5,a5,t6,a6) (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) t1 a1; t2 a2; t3 a3; t4 a4; t5 a5; t6 a6;
+# define __P7(t1,a1,t2,a2,t3,a3,t4,a4,t5,a5,t6,a6,t7,a7) (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) t1 a1; t2 a2; t3 a3; t4 a4; t5 a5; t6 a6; t7 a7;
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+# define INLINE static inline
+# define INLINE static
+#ifndef NULL
+# define NULL ((void *)0)
+#ifndef LONG_MAX
+# define LONG_MAX ( (long) ((~(unsigned long)0) >> 1) )
+#ifndef LONG_MIN
+# define LONG_MIN ( (long) (((~(unsigned long)0) >> 1) + 1) )
+#ifndef INT_MAX
+# define INT_MAX ( (int) ((~(unsigned int)0) >> 1) )
+#ifndef INT_MIN
+# define INT_MIN ( (int) (((~(unsigned int)0) >> 1) + 1) )
+#define uSEC_PER_SEC ((long)1000000) /* microseconds in a second */
+#define mSEC_PER_SEC ((long)1000) /* milliseconds in a second */
+#define uSEC_PER_mSEC ((long)1000) /* microseconds in a millisecond */
+#undef MIN2
+#undef MAX2
+#undef ABS
+#undef SIGN
+#undef SWAP2
+#define MIN2(a,b) ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MAX2(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define ABS(a) ((a)> 0 ? (a) :(-a))
+#define SIGN(a) ((a)> 0 ? 1 : (a) ? -1 : 0)
+#define SWAP2(a,b,c) ((c)=(b), (b)=(a), (a)=(c))
+/* macros to match parentheses */
+#define ISRPAREN(c) ((c) == ')' || (c) == ']' || (c) == '}')
+#define ISLPAREN(c) ((c) == '(' || (c) == '[' || (c) == '{')
+#define LPAREN(c) ((c) == ')' ? '(' : ((c) == ']' ? '[' : '{'))
+#define ISODIGIT(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '7')
+#define PRINTF status(1), tty_printf
+#define INTLEN (3*(1+(int)sizeof(int)))
+ /* max length of a string representation
+ * of an int */
+#define LONGLEN (3*(1+(int)sizeof(long)))
+ /* max length of a string representation
+ * of a long */
+#define ESC '\\' /* special escape char */
+#define STRESC "\\"
+#define ESC2 '`' /* other special escape char */
+#define STRESC2 "`"
+#define CMDSEP ';' /* command separator character */
+#define SPECIAL_CHARS "{}();\"=" /* specials chars needing escape */
+#define MPI "~$#E" /* MUME protocol introducer */
+#define MPILEN 4 /* strlen(MPI) */
+#ifdef NR_OPEN
+# define MAX_FDSCAN 256 /* max number of fds */
+#define MAX_CONNECTS 32 /* max number of open connections. must fit in a byte */
+#define CAPLEN 20 /* max length of a terminal capability */
+#define BUFSIZE 4096 /* general buffer size */
+#define SOCKBUFSIZE BUFSIZE /* socket buffer size for read */
+#define PARAMLEN 99 /* initial length of text strings */
+#define MAX_MAPLEN 1000 /* maximum length of automapped path */
+#define MIN_WORDLEN 3 /* the minimum length for history words */
+#define MAX_WORDS 512 /* number of words kept for TAB-completion */
+#define MAX_HIST 128 /* number of history lines kept */
+#define LOG_MAX_HASH 7
+#define MAX_HASH (1<<LOG_MAX_HASH) /* max hash value, must be a power of 2 */
+#define NUMPARAM 10 /* number of local unnamed params allowed
+ * (hardcoded, don't change) */
+#define NUMVAR 50 /* number of global unnamed variables */
+#define MAX_SUBOPT 256 /* max length of suboption string */
+#define MAX_ARGS 16 /* max number of arguments to editor */
+#define FLASHDELAY 500 /* time of parentheses flash in millisecs */
+#define KBD_TIMEOUT 100 /* timeout for keyboard read in millisecs;
+ * hope it's enough also for very slow lines */
+#define MAX_STACK 100 /* maximum number of nested
+ * action, alias, #for or #while */
+#define MAX_LOOP 10000 /* maximum number of iterations in
+ * #for or #while */
+#define ACTION_WEAK 0 /* GH: normal junk */
+#define ACTION_REGEXP 1 /* oh-so-mighty regexp */
+/* GH: the redefinable delimeters */
+#define DELIM (delim_list[delim_mode])
+#define DELIM_LEN (delim_len[delim_mode])
+#define IS_DELIM(c) (strchr(DELIM, (c)))
+#define DELIM_NORMAL 0 /* GH: normal word delimeters */
+#define DELIM_PROGRAM 1 /* ()[]{}.,;"'+/-*% */
+#define DELIM_CUSTOM 2 /* user-defined */
+/* macros to find cursor position from input buffer position */
+#define CURLINE(pos) (((pos) + col0) / cols_1 + line0)
+#define CURCOL(pos) (((pos) + col0) % cols_1)
+#define CLIP(a, min, max) ((a)=(a)<(min) ? (min) : (a)>(max) ? (max) : (a))
+#define ISMARKWILDCARD(c) ((c) == '&' || (c) == '$')
+ * Attribute codes: bit 0-4 for foreground color, 5-9 for
+ * background color, 10-13 for effects.
+ * Color #16 is "none", so 0x0210 is "no attribute".
+ */
+#define COLORS 16 /* number of colors on HFT terminal */
+#define LOWCOLORS 8 /* number of ANSI colors */
+#define NO_COLOR COLORS /* no color change, use default */
+#define BITS_COLOR 5 /* bits used for a color entry
+ (16==none is a valid color) */
+#define BITS_2COLOR 10 /* bits used for 2 color entries */
+#define COLOR_MASK 0x1F /* 5 (BITS_COLOR) bits set to 1, others 0 */
+#define ATTR_BOLD 0x01
+#define ATTR_BLINK 0x02
+#define ATTR_UNDERLINE 0x04
+#define ATTR_INVERSE 0x08
+ * WARNING: colors and attributes are currently using 14 bits:
+ * 4 for attributes, 5 for foreground color and 5 for background.
+ * type used is int and -1 is used as 'invalid attribute'
+ * so in case ints are 16 bits, there is only 1 bit left unused.
+ * In case ints are 32 bits, no problem.
+ */
+/* constructors / accessors for attribute codes */
+#define ATTRCODE(attr, fg, bg) \
+ (((attr) << BITS_2COLOR) | ((bg) << BITS_COLOR) | (fg))
+#define FOREGROUND(attrcode) ((attrcode) & COLOR_MASK)
+#define BACKGROUND(attrcode) (((attrcode) >> BITS_COLOR) & COLOR_MASK)
+#define ATTR(attrcode) ((attrcode) >> BITS_2COLOR)
+ * NCSA telnet 2.2 doesn't reset the color when it receives "esc [ m",
+ * so we must know what the normal colors are in order to reset it.
+ * These colors can be changed with the #color command.
+ */
+#ifdef BUG_TELNET
+# define DEFAULTFG 7 /* make default white text */
+# define DEFAULTBG 4 /* on blue background */
+#define LM_NOECHO 1 /* no local echo */
+#define LM_CHAR 2 /* char-by-char mode (no line editing) */
+typedef unsigned char byte;
+typedef void (*function_any) (); /* generic function pointer */
+typedef void (*function_int) __P ((int i));
+typedef function_int function_signal;
+typedef void (*function_str) __P ((char *arg));
+typedef struct timeval vtime; /* needs #include <sys/tyme.h> */
+#include "ptr.h"
+/* generic linked list node (never actually created) */
+typedef struct defnode {
+ struct defnode *next;
+ char *sortfield;
+} defnode;
+ * twin linked list node: used to build pair of parallel lists,
+ * one sorted and one not, with the same nodes
+ */
+typedef struct sortednode {
+ struct sortednode *next;
+ char *sortfield;
+ struct sortednode *snext;
+} sortednode;
+ * linked list nodes: keep `next' first, then string to sort by,
+ * then (eventually) `snext'
+ */
+typedef struct aliasnode {
+ struct aliasnode *next;
+ char *name;
+ struct aliasnode *snext;
+ char *subst;
+ char *group;
+ int active;
+} aliasnode;
+typedef struct marknode {
+ struct marknode *next;
+ char *pattern;
+ int attrcode;
+ char *start, *end;
+ char mbeg;
+ char wild;
+} marknode;
+typedef struct triggernode {
+ struct triggernode *next;
+ char *command, *label;
+ int active;
+ int type; /* GH: allow regexp */
+ char *pattern;
+#ifdef USE_REGEXP
+ void *regexp; /* 0 if type == ACTION_WEAK */
+ char *group;
+} triggernode;
+ * actionnode and promptnode must be the same type
+ * or search_action_or_prompt() in main.c won't work.
+ */
+typedef triggernode actionnode;
+typedef triggernode promptnode;
+typedef int (*function_sort) __P ((defnode *node1, defnode *node2));
+typedef struct keynode {
+ struct keynode *next;
+ char *name; /* key name */
+ char *sequence; /* escape sequence sent by terminal */
+ int seqlen; /* GH: length of esc seq to allow \0 in seq */
+ function_str funct; /* function called when key pressed */
+ char *call_data; /* data passed to function */
+} keynode;
+typedef struct delaynode {
+ struct delaynode *next;
+ char *name;
+ char *command;
+ vtime when; /* structure containing time when */
+ /* command must be executed */
+} delaynode;
+/* Variable struct definitions */
+typedef struct varnode { /* for named variables */
+ struct varnode *next;
+ char *name;
+ struct varnode *snext;
+ int index;
+ long num;
+ ptr str;
+} varnode;
+typedef struct { /* for unnamed vars */
+ long num;
+ ptr str;
+} unnamedvar;
+typedef struct { /* stack of local vars */
+ unnamedvar p[MAX_STACK][NUMPARAM];
+ int curr;
+} param_stack;
+typedef struct { /* pointers to all variables */
+ long *num;
+ ptr *str;
+} vars;
+/* editing session control */
+typedef struct editsess {
+ struct editsess *next;
+ unsigned int key; /* session identifier */
+ int pid; /* pid of child */
+ int fd; /* MUD socket to talk with (-1 if non-MUD text) */
+ char *descr; /* short description of what we are editing */
+ char *file; /* name of temporary file */
+ time_t ctime; /* time when temp file was created (upper bound) */
+ long oldsize; /* original file size */
+ char cancel; /* 1 if cancelled */
+} editsess;
+#endif /* _DEFINES_H_ */